Former classmates, acquaintances, and close friends of late Nigerian poet Chukwuemeka Akachi will be attending a Twitter Space in remembrance of the late poet. The space, co-hosted by Shade Mary-Ann Olaoye and Ernest Ohia, would serve as a chance to keep his memories alive by reminiscing and reading any poems of his.
Chukwuemeka Akachi was the first contributor to Arts Lounge Literary Magazine. When the website was launched in February 2019, he submitted two of his genius poems which were eventually published.
Before his death, he was a 400 level student at the University of Nigeria (Nsukka campus) where he was doing a Bachelor’s Degree in English and Literary Studies. After a long battle with depression, Chukwuemeka Akachi passed away on the 13th of May 2022. He was aged 21. He was a remarkable fellow and possessed a beautiful heart; he was truly loved by many.
The general public are welcome to partake in the Twitter Space. The time is 7 pm.