Pacella Chukwuma- Eke, NGP Xv, is a Nigerian poet and short story writer. She is the winner of the Cradle poetry contest, Abuja Duet Slam, Splendors of Dawn Poetry Prize, a Best of Net Nominee, Joint winner of the FOW Poetry Contest, D’lit Review April Writing Contest, and more. She is an editor at the Teen Lit Journal, and is currently studying Human Physiology at Uli, a foreign town in Eastern Nigeria. Pacella is the author of Love in its bliss and sins; runner up of the 2022 Nigeria Prize for Teen Authors(Poetry.) Her works have appeared or are forthcoming on several literary journals including the African Poetry Magazine, Eunoia Review, Gyroscope Review, Poetry marathon anthology, Strange Horizons, Voices of Africa, and elsewhere. She is a member of The HillTop Creative Arts Foundation. Say “Hi,” on Instagram, @pacellachukwumaeke, and Twitter @dancing_poet.