Arts Lounge officially announces the call for submission for The 2024 Akachi Chukwuemeka Prize for Literature, in memory of Nigerian poet, Emmanuel Chukwuemeka Ugwuoke, popularly known as Chukwuemeka Akachi (1998-2019).
Chukwuemeka Akachi, a literary genius, died on the 13th of May, 2019, after a long time battle with a mental illness. Akachi had, before his death, made numerous, beautiful memories, and robbed off his alluring personality on everyone he came across. He was also the first contributor to Arts Lounge Literary Magazine, sending us his poem entitled ’Chat History’ to be published as soon as our website was launched.
This literary prize, worth 100,000 naira, will be awarded to a single poem by an African writer, that raises awareness about mental health and at the same time demonstrates the transforming power of literature. Winning work will also echo the chances of survival from mental health issues.
Submission Guidelines
- The prize is open to Africans living in Africa and the diaspora.
- Entries will be accepted from 1st of March-20th of April, 2024.
- Send a single poem of no more than 30 lines.
- Poem should be well edited, single spaced and in New Times Roman.
- The name of the poet should not appear on the document that has the poem.
- Entry should be accompanied by a cover letter that has the name, nationality, location and biography of the poet.
- Send entry to artsloungenyc@gmail.com with the subject: Akachi Chukwuemeka Prize
- Questions and inquiries about the prize should be sent to the same email address.
- All long-listed entries will be published by Arts Lounge, in a collection to be released on the theme of mental health, later this year.
Dansuma Lawrence Ojonugwa