The Brigitte Poirson Literature Prize is currently open to writers across Nigeria, and in diaspora, to submit their creative works for its second edition.

“Our judges are interested in submissions that tell stories of the human condition with originality, creativity, and authenticity while respecting human dignity.

Prizes include a $300 cash prize ($150 for poetry & $150 for short fiction,) and a chapbook publishing (digital) contract with only one winner per category.

Submission Guidelines

Contestants are entitled to only one entry.

All entries should be sent to SUBMISSIONS@WRR.NG in the body of the email, including a 50–100-word biographical note, author’s full name, and contact details.

Attachments will not be accepted.

Length/Word Count: 40 lines maximum for poetry & 2000 words maximum for short fiction.

Subject title: Brigitte Poirson Literature Prize 2024” or “BPLP 2024”.

Note: Entries promoting profanity, racism, violence, or any form of abuse will be automatically disqualified.

Submission Deadline: 11:59 PM on Saturday, October 19, 2024.

All winning entries, including the shortlisted works, will be featured in the BPLP 2024 anthology. Additionally, each winner will have the exclusive opportunity to publish an electronic chapbook, showcasing their talent to a wider audience. This offer encompasses professional editing, layout, and e-publishing for a collection of up to 50 pages.

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