Adaeze M. Nwadike is a Nigerian, and the author of a poetry chapbook, Conversations with the Sea. She is also a writer and teacher. Her works have appeared or are forthcoming in many notable magazines in Nigeria and the diaspora.

Unoma Azuah is a professor of English at Wiregrass Georgia Technical College, Valdosta, GA, USA. Her research and activism focus on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) rights in Nigeria. Recently, she concluded a book project on the lives of gay Nigerians entitled, Blessed Body: Secret Lives of LGBT Nigerians. In 2011 she was listed as a top professor in the online publication, Affordable/Private Colleges and Universities in the United States. She is also recognized by The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education under the topic, “Honors for Four Black Educators.” Some of her writing awards include the Hellman/Hammett human rights award, the Urban Spectrum award for her debut novel, Sky-high flames, Aidoo-Synder award for sophomore novel Edible Bones and the Flora Nwapa- Association of Nigerian Authors award. The prestigious Ms. Magazine describes her just released memoir, “Embracing My Shadow: growing up a lesbian in Nigeria,” as powerful.

Ohia, Ernest Chigaemezu is a Nigerian writer. He is an MFA student at the University of Alabama. He graduated from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka with a B.A. in English and a minor in History and International Studies. He has works in Eunoia Review, Nantygreens, The Muse, Rigorous, Enter Naija: The Bok of Places, The Vanguard Book of HIV/AIDS and Sexual Awareness, Dwartsonline and elsewhere. He was an assistant poetry editor for The Muse 47, a journal of creative and critical writing of the Department of English and Literary Studies, UNN.

Pacella Chukwuma- Eke, NGP Xv, is a Nigerian poet and short story writer. She is the winner of the Cradle poetry contest, The Green We Left Behind Poetry Slam, Abuja Duet Slam, Splendors of Dawn Poetry Prize, a Best of Net Nominee, Joint winner of the FOW Poetry Contest, D’lit Review April Writing Contest, and more. She is an editor at the Teen Lit Journal, and is currently studying Human Physiology at Uli, a foreign town in Eastern Nigeria. Pacella is the author of Love in its bliss and sins; runner up of the 2022 Nigeria Prize for Teen Authors(Poetry.) Her works have appeared or are forthcoming on several literary journals including the African Poetry Magazine, Eunoia Review, Gyroscope Review, Poetry marathon anthology, Strange Horizons, Havenspec, Rigorous magazine, Voices of Africa, and elsewhere. She is a member of The HillTop Creative Arts Foundation. Say “Hi,” on Instagram, @pacellachukwumaeke, and Twitter @PacellaEke.