Beverley Nambozo Nsengiyunva, the Founder and director of the Babishai Niwe Poetry Foundation, is set to release her second poetry collection titled ‘Dress Me in Disobedience’ in January 2022. In the announcement which she made on her Facebook page, Beverley thanked Prof. Kwame Dawes, Ber Anena Bode Asiyanbi, and Prof. Graham Mort for their positive remarks and words of encouragement that saw her through the writing and editing stages of the collection.

She also thanked Kuonyesha Art Fund for its support. The collection, which she began to write in 2016, was eventually finished in 2021, and it contains daring poems that question the institutions in the society that fight against the autonomy of women. In the words of Kwame Dawes, Beverley Nambozo Nsengiyunva writes her poems with a daring, risk-taking, cutting, and witty sense of defiance against those structures that constrain women and their capacity to find pleasure, dignity, creative expression, economic security, and authority in a patriarchal world.

The poems reveal a woman intensely aware of her body as it makes its way through a hostile world. The official launch and release date has been slated to be January 2, 2022 at 1800h EAT on the Babishai Facebook Page. It will be a live event. To pre-order, kindly reach out to +256 782764335 on WhatsApp. Also, plans are on the way for it to be available on Amazon. Copies would be available for 30,000 UGX or 9 USD.

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