● Pacella: Good day, Testimony Odey. We are very grateful that you accepted this interview. It is no news that female writers have been breaking boundaries and suppression over the years, and we want to contribute to uplifting these great feats in the littlest of ways we can. That being said, we would love for you to tell us about your writing journey through the years.

Testimony Odey: Thank you for having me. My writing journey over the years has been an exciting adventure. I’ve come a long way. I started writing at seven, and I would write all those stories about princesses, friendship and animals. One of the reasons I wrote was because I had all these stories in me and just couldn’t keep them to myself. But most of all, I wrote for the love of it. That is, I wrote just because I loved writing. I think I was eight or so when I told my teacher, ‘I’d like to have a published book one day.’ 

The first time I posted my poem on social media (my Instagram page), I was so nervous. I was scared that people wouldn’t like my work, but I got lots of positive feedback. People loved it, and they even wanted more! It made me begin posting my short stories and poems often. I also started sending my work out to magazines, journals and competitions. When I was fourteen, I started writing my first novel, ‘Uloma’. It took me less than a year to write and I submitted to the Nigeria Prize for Teen Authors. It was the first-runner up, and the prize included publishing. At fifteen, I started writing another novel titled ‘Feathered’, and I submitted it to the same prize. This time, it won 1st place. That was 2022.

Over the years, I realized I loved writing so much that I had to take it as a career. So, when people ask me what I want to be, I tell them, ‘I’m a writer. It’s what I’ve always wanted to be, and it’s already what I am.’ I mean, I’m 17 and I have 2 award-winning published books. I’ve won other awards, such as the African Teen Writers Awards for my short story, ‘My Juicy Life,’ and my work has been published on various journals, anthologies and magazines such as Brittle Paper, Tilted House Review, Paper Lanterns, Calabash Journal, Green Black Tales, Kepressng Anthologies and elsewhere. 

Still, when I tell some people I’m a writer, they act like I’m being ridiculous. I remember when a classmate asked me what I wanted to be and I said, ‘a writer.’ And the person said, ‘Writer? You mean, write? Just write?’ I also remember when one of my teachers in secondary school said he was going to make sure all his children take science classes, and none take art because there’s no job (like that solid future) for those doing art, especially in Nigeria. I disagreed with him, and perhaps it’s because I believe in pursuing your passions, and that if something is meant for you, even if it does not work for everybody else, it’s gonna work for you, just as my writing has worked and opened doors for me.

● Pacella: What would you call your greatest motivation?

Testimony Odey: My greatest motivation has to be my passion. I’ve always loved writing, and my love has kept me going this far. I’ve got all these stories in my head, and if I don’t tell them, who else will?Writing is one beautiful way through which I can tell them. 

● Pacella: Have you ever had any awkward moments as a female writer? If yes, don’t hesitate to share your experience with us.

Testimony Odey: I can’t remember any awkward moment as a female writer right now, but I do remember a day when I spoke up about something and a guy said he wanted to talk to me afterwards. He said, ‘You’re bold, too bold for a woman.’ So, I told him, ‘If I were a man, would you tell me the same thing?’ 

I find it stupidly ridiculous and oppressive how people, and even society tell women to shrink themselves into order to fit into cages they’ve prepared for them. My advice for all girls and women is to continue being bold and continue breaking barriers and be unapologetic while at it.

● Pacella: What is the funniest response(s) you have gotten after telling someone that you are a writer?

Testimony Odey: So, after I told this woman who uploads her stories on a story app that I’m a writer, she looked at me like I was joking. Then, she shrugged and said, “Is that really a career? I’m a writer too.Anyone can be a writer.” She said it as though she was waiting for me to take my words back, to say I wanted to do something she and society considered more serious. But I didn’t take my words back.

● Pacella: You became an established author as a teenager! How would you describe this feat?

Testimony Odey: It feels amazing and to be honest, I’m proud of myself. For anyone wanting to start something, I’d say, just do it! I had been writing since I was a child, but I didn’t start submitting my work to competitions, magazines, anthologies and journals until I got older. And see where I’m at now! Sometimes, I look at what I wrote when I was younger, like eight or nine, and I cannot help laughing. There was this simplicity and juvenility in my work. And its nothing compared to what I write now. So, I’ve experienced growth. I’ve become (and still becoming) a better writer, I’ve explored a variety of topics in my work, I’ve built a lovely fan-base, but most of all, I’ve been able to connect with amazing creatives and lovers of literature, like myself. 

● Pacella: What are your aspirations, and where and how would you see yourself and your art in a space of five years?

Testimony Odey: One of my biggest aspirations include changing the world through my work. When it comes to where and how I want to see myself in the future, I think of growth because it’s all I want. My biggest competition is myself and I just want to be a better version of myself. As for my art, I see it going places. I’ve realized that there are so many ways through which I can express my creativity and art, so I’m exploring those as well. I love bead-making, and for now, I make simple beaded jewelry and bags. I also write my own songs and sing. I took courage to release a music video this year. I can’t mention my music video without mentioning my younger brother, Goodness Odey, who recorded my music in his studio and filmed and edited the video.So, shout out to him! It was a really cool experience! Right now, I’m working on a lot of things, and when its time for the world to see it, they’re not going to be able to take their eyes off it because it’s going to blow their minds!

Thank you so much for this beautiful interview, chain- breaker! We can’t wait to see the things you have got to offer!

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