white and blue surface illustration
Photo by Sean Whang on Pexels.com
Amidst the wilderness, where shadows roam, 
A tale of loss and hope finds its home, 
Migrants, weary souls, a desperate flight,
Their hearts aflame, seeking a glimmer of light. 
In lands unknown, they forge a path anew, Leaving behind what once they knew,
Through deserts harsh and oceans wide, 
Their dreams of solace, like a rising tide. 
Flies of wilderness, with wings of grace, 
Witness the struggles they bravely face, 
Carrying burdens of memories past,
Yet longing for a future that will last.
With each step taken on foreign ground, 
Familiar echoes softly resound,
Songs of homeland, sweet and bittersweet, Reminders of a life they had to defeat.
Yet, hope persists in every beating heart,
A flame that danger cannot tear apart,
They seek a sanctuary, a welcoming shore, Where love and acceptance open the door. Amidst the pain and tears they shed,
Strength arises from within instead,
Their spirits, resilient, rise above,
United in the quest for peace and love.
Let empathy bloom like wildflowers’ bloom, In hearts and minds, dispelling gloom,
For in this vast and ever-changing dance, We’re all connected by the threads of chance. May empathy guide our souls to care,
To embrace the ones who journey there,
The flies of wilderness, they bear witness,
To loss and hope, a poignant sweetness.

Joshua Omeke is a Nigerian born writer with charismatic approaches to delving into the narrative concept of poetry. He is a pan-africanist that educates individuals on the wiles of neocolonialism his people suffer from. He has been featured on several international journals and was a guest at the LSE Ubuntu Café 2023 edition. Over the years, he has written several books and published numerous anthologies of poetry.
Joshua is a leader in his craft and enjoys meditation and aside being writer, he is also a painter of creative arts, especially the cubism art.

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